Lee-Ann Jaykus

North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC

P1-82 Persistence of Human Norovirus in Simulated Gastric Fluid
P2-114 Interpreting Marginally Positive RT-qPCR Results Derived from Naturally-contaminated Samples: What Does It all Mean?
P3-46 Levels of Microbial Contamination during the Production Chain of Tomatoes, Jalapeņo Peppers and Melons in Northeast Mexico
P3-162 Selection of DNA Aptamers with Binding Affinity to Human Norovirus
P3-164 Selection and Characterization of DNA Aptamers with Binding Specificity for Listeria spp. and the Use of DNA Aptamers for Capture of Listeria spp. Prior to the Application of qPCR for Detection
T3-07 An Integrated, Risk-informed System for Informing Food Safety Decision Making
T4-06 Microbial Quality of Produce was Positively Associated with the Microbial Quality of Farm Worker Hands on Farms and Packing Sheds Near the U.S.-Mexico Border
T10-05 Evaluation of a Novel Microbial Source Tracking Method for Identification of Fecal Contamination in the Fresh Produce Production Environment