Norma Heredia

Universidad A. de Nuevo Leon
Monterrey Mexico

P2-103 Citric Extracts Inhibit Motility, Biofilm Formation and Quorum Sensing in Campylobacter jejuni
P2-104 Inhibition of Growth, Biofilm Formation and Swarming of Salmonella by Commercial Antimicrobial Citric Formulations
P2-106 Influence of Extracts of Edible and Medicinal Plants on Membrane Damage and Expression of Enterotoxin of Vibrio cholerae
P3-46 Levels of Microbial Contamination during the Production Chain of Tomatoes, Jalapeņo Peppers and Melons in Northeast Mexico
P3-52 Reduction of Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella spp. and Shigella spp. in Parsley after Washing with Extracts of Edible Vegetables
T4-06 Microbial Quality of Produce was Positively Associated with the Microbial Quality of Farm Worker Hands on Farms and Packing Sheds Near the U.S.-Mexico Border
T10-05 Evaluation of a Novel Microbial Source Tracking Method for Identification of Fecal Contamination in the Fresh Produce Production Environment