Jean-Louis Cordier

Nestec S.A.
Vevey Switzerland

Biographical Sketch:
Jean-Louis Cordier studied at the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule in Zürich and has a Master’s in Biochemistry/Microbiology and a Ph.D. in Microbiology. He is Group Expert in Food Safety Microbiology of the Nestlé Quality Assurance Center (NQAC) with main activities focused on all aspects of the management of microbial hazards relevant for products manufactured by Nestlé. Previous positions: Food Safety Microbiology Manager for Nestlé Nutrition (2005 to 2012), Head of Industrial Hygiene/Corporate Microbiology (1999 – 2005) and Head of Food Safety Microbiology at the Nestlé Research Center (1993 – 1999). Dr. Cordier is member of the International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Food since 1997 and has been active in different organization such as the International Dairy Federation, ILSI Europe, as well as taking part in several working groups of Codex Alimentarius.

Industry Perspective on Controlling Salmonella in Low-water Activity Foods: Human Foods