Scott Jackson

Gaithersburg, MD

Microarray-based Approaches for the Detection, Identification and Assessment of Foodborne Pathogens in the Public Health Sector
P2-65 Bile Affects Expression of Virulence and Iron Acquisition Genes in Foodborne STEC and Salmonella enterica Pathogen Isolates
P2-119 FDA-ECID:  A Novel Microarray Representing the PanGenome of Escherichia coli:  A Tool for Molecular Epidemiology, Molecular Serotyping, and Phylogeny
P2-121 Design, Development and Utilization of an Escherichia coli Resequencing Microarray:  A Tool for Understanding Phylogeny, Genetic Diversity and Molecular Epidemiology
P2-125 Validation of a Pan Genome DNA Microarray for the Identification and Differentiation of Cronobacter spp