S41 A Physical Firewall: Packaging for Food Protection

Wednesday, August 6, 2014: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
Room 109-110 (Indiana Convention Center)
Primary Contact: Kay Cooksey
Organizers: Barbara Blakistone and Helen Taylor
Convenor: Kay Cooksey
The world food packaging market is worth over $200 billion, with businesses in North America representing the largest customer base, accounting for 31% of annual sales. Polymer materials represent 30% of this food packaging market sourcing materials globally. How do we know all this food packaging is safe and how the packaging contributes to the safety of the food itself?

In the 21st century, the growth in food packaging is being driven by the increased use of packaged food. There’s a shift to central packaging operations, along with a rising demand for ready-prepared, convenience foods, including microwave meals for time-pressed consumers. Other key trends include the rise in smaller households, leading to increasing units of smaller pack sizes, portion control, as well as the shift from metal and glass to plastic packaging to flexible materials for items like soups, sauces, pet food and other products.

This trend of conversion to plastic materials, convenience and sustainability coupled with extended shelf life drives the food manufacturer to source cost effective packaging solutions globally to meet the needs of the consumer. Given these developments, how do we ensure the polymers are effective barriers while achieving the highest safety standards?  At the same time, how can we package our food in an eco-friendly, sustainable manner using the cradle to cradle concept?

This symposium will showcase the key global challenges within the food packaging polymer sector and how they’re being addressed by stakeholders. Expert speakers who are actively engaged with food packaging from cradle to cradle will cover 1) food packaging safety issues and collaborative solutions for best practices (meat and dairy sectors), 2) practical solutions for achieving the ultimate integral food package to ensure food safety (meat sector) and 3) global food packaging trends and safety testing requirements.


See more of: Symposia