Soizick Le Guyader

Nantes France

Biographical Sketch:
In collaboration with her colleagues from the Microbiology laboratory at Ifremer, S. F. Le Guyader is working on human enteric virus detection in the environment and food, mainly shellfish. Besides method development for viral detection and quantitation, the main research objectives are to understand the role of some food on human pathogen transmission. Research projects mainly focus on norovirus, which is the main pathogen detected in the environment and the most frequently implicated in shellfish related outbreaks worldwide. In recent years, she demonstrated that oysters are able to actively select some norovirus strains via specific ligands detected in digestive tissues. Ongoing studies try to explore more shellfish species and other virus strain. The research work has been published in a large number of papers or book chapters.

S41 Prevalence and Levels of Norovirus in Shellfish in Europe: Data are Still Rare!