Linda J. Harris

University of California-Davis, Department of Food Science and Technology
Davis, CA

Biographical Sketch:
Dr. Linda Harris is a Specialist in Cooperative Extension in Microbial Food Safety in the Department of Food Science and Technology at the University of California Davis campus. She oversees a research program on the microbial food safety of fresh fruits and vegetables and tree nuts and provides expertise on food safety microbiology throughout the food chain. She is currently president elect of the International Association for Food Protection.

S44 Application of Models in a Processing Plant:  Understanding the Importance of Validation
Welcome Comments
Award Presentations (Student Scholarships, State Health Department Employees, Food Safety Professionals in a Country with a Developing Economy, Fellow Awards)
P3-55 Evaluating the Recovery of Salmonella from Enriched Inshell Walnuts
P3-61 Transfer of Microorganisms from a Dairy Calf Operation to an Adjacent Pistachio Orchard
P3-77 Efficacy of Peracetic Acid for Inactivation of Foodborne Pathogens in Imazalil Fungicide Solutions Used in Citrus Packinghouses
P3-88 Reduction of Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, or Salmonella spp. on Whole Yellow Onions Exposed to Hot Water or Diced Onions Exposed to Lime Juice
P3-230 Microbial Quality of Tail Water in the California Central Coast Salinas Valley
T1-01 Thermal Tolerance of Foodborne Pathogens on Inoculated Pistachios
T10-01 A Quantitative Risk Model to Assess Post-harvest Parameters that Impact the Levels of Salmonella on Pistachios