Alejandro Amezquita

Sharnbrook United Kingdom

Biographical Sketch:
Dr Alejandro Amézquita is a Science Leader in microbiological safety at the Safety & Environmental Assurance Centre of Unilever (based in the UK). He has a broad knowledge of risk assessment, predictive microbiology, and food safety management systems at an international level, gained from working for over 15 years in industry and academia. Dr Amézquita has published numerous research papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals, and has presented and lectured extensively in his areas of expertise. In addition to his responsibilities at Unilever, he holds an adjunct faculty appointment at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and actively contributes to professional societies and scientific organisations, and as a reviewer of key scientific journals. Dr Amézquita received his BSc in food engineering from La Salle University in his home country (Colombia), and his MSc (food science & technology) and PhD (biological systems engineering) from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in the US.

Dealing with Variability in Industry Risk Assessments to Support Safe Product Design
Application of Metabolic Network Models to Develop New Preservation Strategies: An Industrial Perspective