Stanley Brul

Molecular Biology and Microbial Food (SILS), University of Amsterdam
Amsterdam Netherlands

Biographical Sketch:
Stanley Brul (1964) was trained as Biochemist and graduated "cum laude" in 1986. In 1991 he obtained a PhD with a doctoral thesis entitled "Biochemical and Genetic Aspects of Peroxisome Biogenesis in Mammalian Cells". He then started in 1990 as a post-doctoral fellow at Nijmegen University, did a short term fellowship supported stay at Rockefeller University and went in 1994 to work for Unilever Research and Development.From 1994-1999 he fulfilled at Unilever several scientific and managerial positions from project to program manager.In addition he received training in teaching, project and program management as well as general management and finance from the London Business School, the Lausanne Business School and INSEAD, France. In 1999 Stanley was appointed professor of Industrial Microbiology on an endowed chair at the Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences of the University of Amsterdam while staying 4days appointed at Unilever Research & Development as senior scientist novel (micro)biological technologies in the Science area Food Processing. As of 2002 the University appointed him as full professor of Molecular Biology & Microbial Food Safety (MBMFS) at the Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences. From 2003 on he acted as coordinator of the masters program in Medical Biochemistry of the University. Since end 2007 Stanley Brul is fully employed by the University. Concomitantly he was appointed director of the bachelors program in Bio-medical Sciences at the University and received training in managing University professionals. Stanley Brul teaches courses in molecular microbiology, biochemistry, nutrition and human molecular physiology.

The Bacterial Spore Proteome; Identifying Targets for Spore Germination and Outgrowth Inhibition