Cristina Rodriguez

University of Liège, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Food Science Department, FARAH
Liège Belgium

Biographical Sketch:
Cristina Rodriguez was graduated from Veterinary Faculty at the University of Leon (Spain) in 2008. She then completed two specialized master degrees, one in Food Biotechnology (University of Oviedo, Spain) in 2009 and another complementary master of Specialized Veterinary Medicine at the University of Liège (Belgium) in 2010. Since 2010, she made her Ph.D. in microbiology at the University of Liege. Her main research topic is bacterium Clostridium difficile and host-pathogen relation ships, including humans and animals. At present, she is a research assistant at the University of Liege. With a large collection of C. difficile strains isolated from animals, humans and foods, she continues with the study of the bacterium C. difficile and its transmission to humans in the community by consuming contaminated foodstuffs or through contact with infected animals.

P1-22 Association of Targeted Metagenomic Analysis and Classical Microbiology for Clostridium difficile Detection and Microbial Ecosystem Mapping of Surfaces, Hands and Foodstuffs in a Meat Processing Plant