Lu�s Augusto Nero

Universidade Federal de Vi�osa
Vi�osa Brazil

Biographical Sketch:
Prof. Lu�s Augusto Nero has a degree in Veterinary Medicine and Doctorate in Food Sciences. He is a professor in Universidade Federal de Vi�osa, Brazil, since 2005, teaching Food Inspection and Microbiology for Veterinary Medicine students. His research area is food microbiology, with many scientific projects and articles in foodborne pathogens and lactic acid bacteria. Considering this area, his main interests are: epidemiological studies and identification of key contamination points of foodborne pathogens in the food chains, bacteriocins characterization and interactions among foodborne pathogens and lactic acid bacteria in food matrixes.

New Insights on the LAB-Staphylococcus aureus Interaction: A Transcriptomic Approach
P1-04 Anti-Listerial Activity of Enterococcus hirae ST57ACC in Reconstituted Skim Milk
P1-05 Safety Aspects of Bacteriocinogenic Pediococcus acidilactici ET34 Strain Isolated from Smoked Salmon
P2-18 Adhesion Ability of Listeria monocytogenes and Sensitivity to Food-Contact Surface Sanitizers