The objective of this presentation is to give the general framework built when quantifying mould spoilage, followed by an overview of the most commonly used statistical models (primary and secondary models). The differences between models built at the population or at the single spore level will be pinpointed. These framework and models will be illustrated through an example of shelf-life assessment using recent studies obtained on bakery product (Dagnas et al., 2014, 2015, and 2017).
Dagnas et al. 2017. International Journal of Food Microbiology. In press
Dagnas et al. 2015. International Journal of Food Microbioloy. 211: 86-94.
Dagnas et al. 2014. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 186: 95-104.
Membré and Dagnas. 2016. Chapter 3. In: Membré, J.-M., Valdramidis, V. (Eds.), Modeling in food microbiology. From predictive microbiology to exposure assessment. ISTE Press Ltd and Elsevier Ltd, UK, pp. 33-60.