Andreja Rajkovic
Ghent UniversityGhent Belgium
Biographical Sketch: Prof.dr. Andreja Rajkovic has a main research focus on microbial toxins, foodborne pathogens and host-pathogen interactions. He is involved in projects related to modern food processing and effects on microbial and chemical food safety (e.g. Horizon2020 FutureFood), development of test and risk assessment strategies of mixtures (Horiozn2020 EuroMix), molecular detection and control of microbial water safety (FP7 Aquavalens), control of myxotoxins (Horiozn2020 MycoKey) and many others. He is a found editor in chief of Internatioal Journal of Food Contamiantion published by SpringerOpen. He is also a member of Editorial boards of International Journal of Food Microbiology, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, and Food Analytical Methods.
Mitochondrial Toxicity of Bacillus cereus Emetic Toxin with Intestinal and Liver Toxicological Endpoints
T1-03 Evaluation of the Hygienic Design of an Industrial Device for Drying Food Using Supercritical Fluids
T3-05 Impact of Chronic Exposure of Low Concentrations of Microbial Depsipeptide Cereulide on Mitochondrial Disruptions in Caco-2 Cells
T7-06 Effect of a Novel Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Drying Process on Foodborne Pathogens Inoculated onto Coriander and Strawberries