Heidy den Besten

Wageningen University
Wageningen Netherlands

Biographical Sketch:
Heidy den Besten obtained a BSc in Food Technology and a BSc in Mathematics and completed her MSc Food Technology cum laude specialising in Food Safety at Wageningen University. Before starting as Assistant Professor with tenure track in 2011, she completed her PhD project entitled "Quantification of Bacillus cereus stress responses" and worked as postdoctoral researcher. Her research domain focuses on pathogen ecology interlinking functional genomics and prediction of microbial behaviour. She acts as an editorial board member for two journals, Food Research International and International Journal of Food Microbiology. She was invited to join the Singapore Centre for Environmental Life Sciences Engineering as visiting scientist in 2015. Heidy was appointed as Associate Professor in 2016 and became member of the Program Committee of IAFP. Also, she is teaching within the MSc and BSc Food Microbiology programmes of Wageningen University and coordinates a BSc Food Microbiology course.

The Use of Omics in Exposure Assessment
T3-03 Campylobacter spp. Strain Choice and Food Matrix Strongly Affect LOD50 Results