M Graça Dias
INSALisboa Portugal
Biographical Sketch: Health Researcher on the Monitoring and Surveillance Unit and on the Chemistry Laboratory of the Reference Unit of the Food and Nutrition Department of the Portuguese National Institute of Health in Lisbon. She has got her degree on Chemical Engineering at the Technical University of Lisbon in 1987 and the PhD degree on Analytical Chemistry at the University of Lisbon in 2010. She dedicated more than 25 years to food science in several techno-scientific aspects. Chemical analyst, with over 13 years of experience in the implementation and development of methods for chemical analysis of food, to determine namely micronutrients and bioactive compounds, measurement uncertainty, food sampling, planning and accomplishment of scientific studies and projects, implementation of analytical quality assurance systems in the scope of accreditation by ISO 17025, data production and treatment for food composition databases. She is a food composition compiler since 2011. She has experience in Food Indexing Systems namely Foodex1, Foodex2, and LanguaL, and performed the LanguaL translation from English to Portuguese. She produced several technical reports, oral and poster presentations and articles in international journals. She participates in several international projects, NP/EFSA/DCM/2012/02/02 - Pilot project on the implementation of FoodEx2 as part of the Standard Sample Description for the electronic transmission of harmonised chemical occurrence data to EFSA (2012-2013), CFP/EFSA/DCM/2011/03 - Updated food composition database for nutrient intake (2012), , TDSEXPOSURE - KBBE.201.2.4-02 - Total Diet Study Exposure, FP7 (2012-2016), EuroFIR Nexus - FB7-KBBE-2010-4, The EuroFIR Food Platform: Further integration, refinement and exploitation for its long-term self-sustainability, EU FP7 (2010-2013), EuroFIR - FB6 – CT-2005-513944 - European Food Information Resource Network of Excellence, EU FP6 (2005-2010).
P1-09 Educational Instruments for Food Safety and Nutrition