Sophie Butot
Nestlé Research CenterLausanne Switzerland
Biographical Sketch: Sophie Butot obtained her Master degree in food and environmental Microbiology at the University of Bourgogne and AgroSup in France. Since 2003, she works as a scientist at Nestlé Research Center in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Her field of expertise comprises development and performance evaluation of molecular methods for detection of food- and waterborne viruses and assessment of the effect food processing technologies on virus survival.
She is a member of the working group “Enteric viruses in food” of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN/TC 275/WG6/TAG4) and she actively contributes by being the bottled water matrix expert.
T7-05 Application of UV-C Light Processing on Fresh and Frozen Strawberries, Raspberries, and Blueberries to Compare the Inactivation of Viral and Bacterial Pathogens and Their Surrogates