Purpose: This experiment was designed to characterize growth of seven beef adulterant STEC serotypes (STEC-7) in different media types for sample enrichment, and compare population level stability of STEC-7 in common transport media during short-term storage at refrigerated and slightly abusive temperatures sometimes encountered during sample shipment.
Methods: STEC-7 were individually inoculated into enrichment media (EC broth, Buffered Peptone Water, Universal Pre-enrichment Medium, and Tryptic Soy Broth; with and without novobiocin supplementation) and growth curves at 37°C were generated and compared. STEC-7 were inoculated into three transport media (Cary-Blair, Maximum Recovery, and Buffered Peptone Water), stored at 4 and 10°C, and sampled over 72h to compare stability in relation to inoculation concentration.
Results: EC broth supported rapid growth of all STEC-7 and was similar to non-selective media. Media containing novobiocin greatly restricted growth of most non-O157 serotypes. Cary-Blair transport medium maintained population level stability during storage at 10°C while other media allowed increases. All transport media was acceptable at 4°C storage.
Significance: Following common E. coli O157:H7 enrichment protocols to detect STEC-7 may lead to false-negative determinations, particularly if novobiocin is included as a selective agent. When transporting field samples to a laboratory, Cary-Blair Medium should be considered to protect STEC-7 in the event that temperature abuse of samples occurs.