S16 What is Slowing Down Rapid Methods?  Sample Prep!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014: 8:30 AM-12:00 PM
Room 109-110 (Indiana Convention Center)
Primary Contact: Mary Lou Tortorello
Organizers: Mary Lou Tortorello , Keith Lampel and Lee-Ann Jaykus
Convenors: Keith Lampel , Lee-Ann Jaykus and Ravinder Reddy
Sample preparation is a critical component of any successful protocol to detect, identify and isolate microbial pathogens in food commodities; however, more attention and resources are funneled to increasing the speed and throughput of high technology diagnostic instruments, while sample preparation remains an underdeveloped process. In recent years some sectors of the food safety community have recognized the importance of sample preparation methods, and this symposium will provide an update on this critical component of foodborne pathogen analysis. Speakers will address the major hurdles for achieving an effective and efficient means to process food samples. A brief overview of protocols currently used will present a picture of food safety at the beginning of the process. Research needs for sample prep method improvements will be highlighted. Lastly, there are those foodborne pathogens, e.g., Cyclospora, Cryptosporidium and norovirus, that, at this time, are not culturable and for which sample preparation is both the crux of the method and the major impediment for detection. Are we closer to resolving this critical dilemma?


9:30 AM
Enrichment Strategies and Failures: Meeting Outbreak Demands
Karen Jinneman, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
10:00 AM
See more of: Symposia