Food Authenticity and Integrity PDG (Organizational)

Sunday, July 9, 2017: 3:15 PM-5:15 PM
Room 20-21 (Tampa Convention Center)

Steven A. Sklare

July 3, 2017

Food Authenticity and Integrity PDG

MISSION STATEMENT:  To establish an international platform, within IAFP, for open discussion and exchange of information among food safety professionals regarding the unique challenges associated with the developing area of food authenticity and integrity.  Issues of food authenticity and integrity due to the intentional adulteration and/or misrepresentation of food requires further development of best practices and educational and training procedures that are distinctly different from those used for matters of food safety.

Drivers: Significant drivers include changing compliance requirements for both regulatory (i.e. FSMA PC rules) and non-regulatory (i.e. GFSI benchmark preventive controls for intentional adulteration) as well as potentially hazardous food safety issues that result as a “side effect” of intentional adulteration  committed for economic gain.  These drivers will encourage government, industry and academia participation as it is recognized that highly sophisticated food safety management and food defense protocols are not directly applicable to addressing the issue of food authenticity and integrity.

This IAFP PDG, under the umbrella of IAFP will attract industry professionals already engaged in this field along with others that are newly aware of the problem and are seeking direction and guidance.  This has been recognized as an issue of global concern with little formal structure in place to provide the appropriate direction and guidance to address the issue.   Development of explanation, definition, symposia and webinars regarding the subject matter should naturally serve as an attracting force for new and continued membership for IAFP and reinforce IAFP’s positon as a thought leader in the field of food safety.

Interested groups: Current and new IAFP members and nonmembers from industry, service providers, government and academia: Food Industry organizations on all levels (manufacturing, retail, foodservice, etc.), Certification Bodies, Academia, Standards,  career food safety professionals and regulatory agencies are among those already interested in participating in this PDG.

Individuals/representatives: Specific names are omitted for now as invited, interested companies determine availability based on confirmation of date/time of the organizational meeting.

USP, Alchemy, Eurofins, SGS, RQA, Red Diamond, Global food industry entities and industry leaders. Additional names will be provided upon confirmation of the date/time of the organizational meeting.

See more of: Special Events