Recent European Commission Initiatives in Food Hygiene and Microbiological Food Safety

Friday, 31 March 2017: 11:30
Silver Hall (The Square)
Kris de Smet, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium
The Health and Food Safety Directorate General (SANTE) of the European Commission is the food safety management body, laying down all food safety requirements, directly applicable in all Member States of the EU and to all imports into the EU. These EU rules are aimed at equally protecting all EU consumers, in Member States, at a high level. They also ensure fair competition and trade by requiring the same standards for all food business operators. When laying down requirements, a risk analysis approach is used with the involvement of European risk assessment bodies, such as the European Food Safety Authority. Information on public health is provided by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. The practical collaboration between these European institutes and with Member States and Stakeholders will be explained.

Apart from proposing and managing requirements for food business operators, SANTE provides itself guidance on implementation, encourages and evaluates sectorial guidance developed by stakeholders' organisations, and sets up a harmonised framework for controls by competent authorities. Part of these controls is the network of European and national reference laboratories, which ensures the high quality and reliability of laboratory testing in the EU. SANTE is, also, focusing on preparedness and management of foodborne outbreaks with the development of new tools and procedures. The purpose is to protect the consumer and to prevent or minimise the economic impact of outbreaks. Concrete, recent initiatives in the area of food hygiene and microbiological food safety will be provided during the presentation to illustrate the European food safety policy approach.