RT2 China Food Safety: Needs, Challenges and Approaches

Monday, July 29, 2013: 1:30 PM-3:00 PM
218-219 (Charlotte Convention Center)
Primary Contact: Zhinong Yan
Organizers: Zhinong Yan , Li Ma and Ruiqing Pamboukian
Convenors: Li Ma and Ruiqing Pamboukian
Panelists: Pamela Wilger , Xiumei Liu , Leslie Bourquin , Jason Wan and Yanbin Li
With the rapid growth of food trade in China and recent food safety scares, China food safety has become a global concern. Although China’s food safety has made great improvement, it is still not thoroughly understood and good food safety practices have not been well implemented due to system, language and cultural barriers. During the symposium and roundtable sessions on China food safety at the 2012 IAFP Annual Meeting, the challenges which multinational enterprises and education groups encountered in China provoked active discussions among the participants requiring further more communications. Hence, this roundtable is designed to focus on the differences between U.S. and China food safety systems, the challenges food safety professionals are facing and possible solutions to improve China food safety following the short symposium described in a separate proposal. The panelist from government, education and multinational companies will introduce the food safety systems, programs and experiences/difficulties they have when working in China. Approaches for solutions to overcome these issues and improve food safety levels together with Chinese shareholders will also be discussed. The objective of this roundtable is to enhance the understanding of China food safety issues and provide suggestions/solutions for the food safety professionals working in China food safety area.
See more of: Roundtables