P2-18 Scalability of a Discrete Element Model for Salmonella Cross-contamination in Granular Low-water Activity Foods

Tuesday, August 2, 2016
America's Center - St. Louis
Quincy Suehr, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Bradley Marks, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Elliot Ryser, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Sanghyup Jeong, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Introduction: Modeling cross-contamination of bacteria in granular low-moisture foods is a particular challenge due to the discrete nature of these materials. Scaling-up models based on laboratory data to industrial-scale system is limited because of the lack of first-principle models. An ideal cross-contamination model should enhance its scalability, so that it can be utilized for an industrial-scale system without further validation burden.

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess the scalability of a discrete element method (DEM) model of bacterial cross-contamination to industrial-scale systems.

Methods: Almond kernels were inoculated with Salmonella Enteritidis PT30 and mixed with clean almonds in a rotating drum at a bench top scale of ~200 g (5 g of inoculated almonds). A DEM bacterial transfer model was developed from these results and validated against a pilot-scale model of ~1 kg. After validation, the model was used to simulate an industrial-scale scenario of ~200 kg of almonds mixed with 5 kg of contaminated almonds.

Results: The lab-scale experiments (with contaminated almonds at ~8.3 log CFU/g) yielded 4.3±0.2 log (CFU/g) maximum transferrable bacterial load after 600 s at 8 rpm. The calibration model of the experiment was fit to the data (RMSE=0.005 log CFU/g) and validated with pilot-scale data sets (RMSE=0.057 log CFU/g). The results for the 200 kg rotary batch mixer simulated a similar trendline as actual experiments, showing a maximum transferrable bacterial load of 4.1±0.1 log (CFU/g) after 600 s at 8 rpm, and demonstrated reasonable scalability of the DEM model.

Significance: DEM modeling appears to be an efficient tool to model the interactions of particulate low-moisture food products. The scalability of the DEM model will contribute to risk modeling associated with bacterial cross-contamination scenarios.