Purpose: The goal of this research was to assess the antimicrobial effectiveness of Ultraviolet light (UVc) as cold pasteurization of TCW and evaluation of physico-chemical and sensory quality of the treated TCW in comparison to the fresh TCW.
Methods: A dean flow ultraviolet reactor with wavelength of 200-280 nm at the residence time of 14.2 seconds was used. The independent variables were 3 Reynold numbers (Re) and 2 diameters of transparent PFA tubes (1/8” and 1/16”). The antimicrobial effect was evaluated with E. coli W1485 as a model organism for cold pasteurization. Physico-
Results: UVc treatment was significantly effective to inactivate E.coli W1485 (P <0.05) in both the tube sizes. Also, the diameter of tubes and Reynold numbers significantly affected CFUs of E.coli in treated TCW as lesser diameter (1/16”) tube was more effective (3.1, 4.2 and 5.3 log reduction) than 1/8” tube (1.9, 2.4 and 3.09 log CFU reduction) and higher the Re values better the inactivation observed for 47, 95 and 142 Reynold numbers. The physico-chemical and sensorial changes of cold pasteurized TCW was not significantly different compared to the fresh TCW.
Significance: Dean flow UVc reactor offers a potential cold pasteurization technology for tender coconut water.