S70 2016 Foodborne Outbreak Updates

Wednesday, August 3, 2016: 1:30 PM-3:30 PM
228-229 (America's Center - St. Louis)
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Primary Contact: Judy Greig
Organizers: Judy Greig , Jack Guzewich and Ewen Todd
Convenors: Jack Guzewich and Judy Greig
Introduction: There are many lessons to be learned from reviewing the results of foodborne outbreak investigations that can direct future investigations and potentially identify factors leading to mitigation strategies that can be applied to prevent future illness.
Purpose: This symposium will cover three or four significant foodborne disease outbreaks reported since the 2015 IAFP Annual Meeting.
Methods: We are seeking to have two outbreaks from North American (Bonnie Kissler, CDC), another from a developed country outside North America and possibly one from a developing country. Appropriate speakers to address the international outbreaks will be identified closer to the meeting date. Following the presentations, an opportunity would be given for the audience to provide information on outbreaks that have occurred in their jurisdictions in the past year.
Results: Details of four recent foodborne outbreaks will be presented with steps of the investigations outlined and lessons to be learned.
Significance: With the globalization of our food supply, outbreaks can result in very large case numbers. Frequently new pathogen and food vehicles are identified. If we are to prevent future cases of foodborne disease, industry, regulators and food safety scientists need to be aware of the circumstances that lead to these outbreaks and their causation.


3:30 PM
The Power of Convergence: Multistate Outbreak of E. coli O121 Associated with Raw Flour
LCDR Lauren Shade, U.S. Food and Drug Administration/U.S. Public Health Service; Robert Tauxe, CDC
See more of: Symposia