S49 How Safe is Your Infants’ Powdered Formula: A Tale of Cronobacter sakazakii

Tuesday, August 2, 2016: 1:30 PM-3:00 PM
227 (America's Center - St. Louis)
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Primary Contact: Vijay Juneja
Organizers: Vijay Juneja , Dilek Heperkan and Hari Dwivedi
Convenors: Vijay Juneja and Hari Dwivedi
Infant formula is one of the most critical foods for human lives. The risk of powdered infant formula (PIF) contamination may occur at any stage of manufacturing, storage and reconstitution for feeding. The extraordinary resistance mechanism combined with the complex ecology of Cronobacter sakazakii make it hard for food safety managers to often safeguard against PIF linked infant fatalities. The food safety concern of PIF is very much evident from the fact that World health Organization (WHO) has its own set of guidelines for safe preparation, storage and handling of powdered infant formula. Due to variability in manufacturing processes and technologies used in the manufacturing of PIF throughout the world, it becomes important to update and share knowledge and science to assure food safety of PIF.


2:00 PM
2:30 PM
Microbial Risk Assessment for Cronobacter
Juan Aguirre Garcia, Universidad de Chile; Julio Parra-Flores, Universidad del Bío-Bío
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