Purpose: This study was conducted to obtain a better understanding of the formation potential and distribution of DBPs in the wash water and fresh-cut lettuce after washing by PAA versus by NaOCl. This study also evaluated a wide variety of DBPs including conventional and emerging DBPs (a total of 46 target DBPs).
Methods: Procedures to simulate fresh-cut lettuce washing under produce processing conditions were conducted in the laboratory using three different concentrations of PAA (45 mg/liter, 85 mg/liter, and 100 mg/liter) and one dose of NaOCl (100 mg/liter). The wash water and washed fresh-cut lettuce were extracted and analyzed for the 46 target DBPs.
Results: The results demonstrated that washing by PAA generated fewer DBPs than washing by NaOCl in both wash water and fresh-cut lettuce. The majority of DBPs formed by PAA were aldehydes in the wash water, and aldehydes and trihalomethanes (THMs) in the washed lettuce. The majority of DBPs formed by NaOCl were haloacetic acids (HAAs), nitrogenous DBPs (N-DBPs) and aldehydes in the wash water, and THMs, HAAs, and aldehydes in the lettuce.
Significance: The comprehensive data will facilitate the development of safer produce washing processes and sanitizer applications and guide further research on DBPs in food.