Purpose: To develop and validate a soy lateral flow device (LFD) that can detect commonly modified soy bean proteins.
Methods: The ELISA Systems (ES) AllergenControl™ Soy LFD kit was developed by using pAbs raised against modified soy proteins. The kit was validated using distinct soy protein sources, including native and modified proteins and cross-reactivity analysis was carried out against a panel of key commodities. A method comparison was performed by using the Romer Labs Agrastrip® Soy.
Results: The ES Soy LFD kit demonstrated matrix-free analytical sensitivity of 0.1 ppm native soy protein and 0.1 ppm modified soy protein, minimal cross-reactivity against key commodities, and an improved detection of soy protein present in soy protein isolate, soy protein concentrate, and soy milk relative to the Romer Labs Agrastrip® Soy.
Significance: Development of a LFD capable of detecting modified soy protein should be an important and rapid tool for food manufacturers and regulatory entities in their allergen control management.