This has resulted in different “risk-based sampling plan” approaches in different EU and non-EU member states.
The purpose is to identify the current status on "risk-based sampling approaches" in different EU and non-EU member states and how we can learn from each others' approaches taking into account the ever increasing complexity of international food trade and accompanying microbiological dynamics.
Methods: Present three different approaches from different EU member states and one approach from a non-EU member state.
Results: Document a discussion session on the pro’s and con’s of the different methods. With that, this symposium will be the basis for a network of stakeholders (scientists, supply chain managers from government and industry) with a view towards future risk-based sampling approaches.
Significance: A risk-based sampling plan will help stakeholders to monitor the occurrence of the most important pathogen/product combinations from a public health risk perspective in a consistent manner (e.g., by trend analysis) and, with that, give input for targeted intervention programs.