RT3 China – Food Safety for an Integrated World

Tuesday, July 24, 2012: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
Room 551 (Rhode Island Convention Center)
Convenor: Zhinong Yan
Organizers: Vanessa Cranford and Zhinong Yan
Panelists: Peter Ben Embarek , Xiumei Liu and Leon Gorris
Food safety within People’s Republic of China in a globally traded food supply is a cause for concern among food safety professionals. This roundtable is meant to discus initiatives that are currently being performed and sharing, discussing, and collaborating on best practices for food safety within U.S. and China. The goal of this roundtable is to facilitate a technical discussion among the roundtable participants that may improve food safety efforts and future collaborations. Participants in proposed roundtable will intimately discuss the technological challenges for food safety within China and future collaborations needed on scientific initiatives.
See more of: Roundtables